I've always wanted an oscilloscope. Unfortunately, I don't have the desk space for a proper Rigol so I always found USB-based scopes interesting. However, we all know USB scopes are dicey because of limited transfers speeds, lack of resolution and lack of physical controls.
Looks like Digilent, more known for its education FPGA boards, have come out with a new USB-based scope, the Analog Discovery 2 100MSPS USB Oscilloscope. Not only is it a scope, its also logical analyzer and power supply. All this for $279.
Electronics guru, David Jones, has reviewed the previous version, the Analog Discovery scope. If you know Dave, he is quite against USB scopes and for traditional bench scope. In conclusion, he did not think this device would replace a daily work scope but its serviceable for educational use. Plus, David mentions that the 14-bit resolution was a plus over the 8-bit resolution normally found in USB-based scopes.
Hopefully, this new scope is better than the old one.